I’m saying it right here and now, “Life is not just rainbows and butterflies.” Life will sometimes kick you in the head and forces us to figure out how pick ourselves up.
I came across these three quotes this last week:

I have to admit I’ve had a rough couple of weeks. There are several life changes happening for me and sometimes I feel like I want to crawl into a hole for a little while. Even though I write about change a lot and how we need to – embrace it, be with it, and let it in…it’s work for me as well.
When I teach meditation I say to the men in alcohol and drug recovery, “Whatever is happening in this moment, allow it to be just as it is.” I had to listen and take my own advice. I had to sit with what was happening, feel it, even though it felt awful, it felt like the walls were closing in, but I sat with it and I FELT it.
This last week when I saw these three quotes, I was receptive enough to recognize that I needed to read these, really think about them, and pull myself out from under a rock.
As I’m moving forward with my website and getting closer to podcasting, I’ve been feeling a lot of fear. Can I do this? Will people listen? What will people say? I know not everyone will like what I say, and I’ve come to accept that it’s perfectly okay if someone doesn’t like me. Heck, there are people who don’t like Oprah! Again, it’s perfectly okay if you don’t like Oprah.
While there will be people who can’t relate to me, I know there are also people who will feel like they’re not alone. I’m real enough to share my triumphs and my failures. Life is not just rainbows and butterflies and it seems that all people want to share is just the good stuff. We need to get real with what is happening in our lives and not be afraid to share the struggles, the disappointments, and the good along with the bad.
I truly believe that is the only way we can grow and evolve into better human beings. I hope this helps someone who is struggling on the inside and is afraid to tell someone. We are not alone in this, even though at times we feel we are the only one going through something difficult.
Embrace those you love, enjoy a good rainbow after the rain, and realize that sometimes picking ourselves up and starting over is exactly what we need in order to grow into who we are meant to become.
With Gratitude,
